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  • What is the Zoning Ordinance? The Zoning Ordinance is the adopted law of the Town that regulates land use, growth, and development. It divides the Town into different zone districts that are applied in different geographic areas of the Town. The geographic area where each zone district applies is identified on the Town’s Official Zoning Map. For each district, the zone district standards allow specific types of uses (for example, single-family homes) and regulate the location and size of development. They include standards such as maximum building height, the minimum distance a building must be set back from the front of the lot, and the maximum size of secondary buildings. The Zoning Ordinance also includes general development standards that apply to most or all development in the Town, such as the amount of required off-street parking, the maximum height of fences, and requirements for landscaping and signage. Finally, the Zoning Ordinance also includes provisions that establish the procedures for how development proposals are reviewed, and approved or denied. A link to the Town’s current Zoning Ordinance can be found under the Background Documents tab of this site.


  • What is the official zoning map? The Official Zoning Map is the map maintained by the Town that identifies where each zone district included in the Zoning Ordinance is applied within the Town. The Town maintains both static (PDF-type) and interactive versions of the Official Zoning Map that are linked from the Background Documents tab of this site.


  • Where can I get copies of project documents? The Work Products page of this website will be updated regularly to include links to all documents produced as part of this project, as well as supporting information.


  • Why update the Town’s Zoning Ordinance? The Zoning Ordinance has served the Town well, but it falls short of meeting the Town’s needs today as federal and state regulations change. A key goal of the project is to update the Zoning Ordinance to be consistent with the Town’s recently adopted comprehensive plan, Plan Warrenton 2040. Plan Warrenton 2040 sets out the community’s vision and policy direction for growth and development in Warrenton, including a focus on five distinct “Character Districts” in the Town. Another project priority is to develop an updated Ordinance that is more user-friendly and better organized, with features such as graphics and images that improve readability and make it easier to use. The updated Ordinance will incorporate enhanced development standards such as landscaping and lighting, adopt zoning best practices where appropriate, and help improve the efficiency, predictability, and outcomes of the development process in the Town.


  • What is Plan Warrenton 2040? Plan Warrenton 2040 is the Town’s comprehensive plan. The plan was adopted in April of 2021 after a robust public input process that engaged thousands of Warrenton residents from across the Town and included 13 public meetings and 21 working meetings, and participation from 34 different community organizations. Updating the Town’s Zoning Ordinance is a major step toward implementing the plan’s policy direction—many of the policy recommendations touch on zoning in some way, shape, or form.


  • How long will the rewrite process take? The rewrite process is expected to take approximately two years to complete.


  • What can I expect at the public meetings? Public engagement is a key element of the project. Throughout the project there will be multiple “touchpoints” during which members of the community will have the opportunity to provide input that will help shape the updated Ordinance. Some engagement opportunities will take place in person, while others will occur online.


  • Where can I learn more? This project web site is the central location for information about the project and to review work products as they are made available. It will be maintained and updated throughout the project. Individuals can sign up on the project email list to stay updated on meetings and major announcements.​


  • Who is managing the project? The project is being conducted under the direction of the Town’s Community Development Department, with assistance from a consultant team led by Clarion Associates.



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