The Warrenton Code Assessment is now available for public review! The release of the Code Assessment is a key milestone in Warrenton’s Zoning Ordinance update project. The Code Assessment evaluates how well the current Zoning Ordinance assists the town in meeting its land use goals. It identifies where the Zoning Ordinance performs well and where it falls short, recommends changes that should be made in the update, and includes an annotated outline of the proposed organization of the updated Zoning Ordinance.
For more information about the Code Assessment, please visit the Work Products page. A public forum led by the project’s consultant team will be held on:
Tuesday, January 28 at 6:30 pm
Town Hall
21 Main Street, Warrenton
(Snow date: February 3)
A survey will be available through February 7, and we look forward to receiving your comments. Following the comment period, drafting of the updated Zoning Ordinance will begin.
Check back here for news, updates, and materials from future public meetings.
The Town of Warrenton is updating its Zoning Ordinance. A key goal of the project is to implement key recommendations relating to land use in the Town's recently adopted comprehensive plan, Plan Warrenton 2040. The project will also make the Town’s updated Ordinance more internally consistent, streamlined in language and processes, more user-friendly with the inclusion of additional graphics and tables, and aligned with contemporary zoning best practices.